Pure Giloy Guduchi Capsule (Tinospora Cordifolia)


Boosts Immunity Helps Fight Skin Problems Aids Digestion Anti Inflammatory Properties Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety Helps Fight Respiratory Problems

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In Ayurvedic medicine,Guduchi (Giloy) is considered to be one of the three Amrit plants. Amrit means nectar of Gods, such are the qualities of this climber plant that in Sanskrit it named as ‘Amritavalli’. Giloy is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages and is well documented in Ayurvedic literature. Scientific studies also evaluate and confirm the insight beneficial properties of this medicinal herb. Giloy, which goes by the scientific or Latin name Tinospora cordifolia comes from the Menispermaceae family. Also termed as ‘Heart-leaved moonseed’ in English, the giloy plant is a well-known herbaceous, glabrous climbing vine of deciduous origin. It has elongated twining branches decorated with heart-shaped betel-like leaves and yellow flowers. The herb is native to Myanmar, Srilanka and is widely distributed throughout various tropical regions of India. Other commom names include Madhuparni, Amritavallari, Chhinnaruha, Amruta, Chakralakshanika, Devnirmita, Vatsadani, Somvalli, Rasayani, Jwarari, and Bahuchinna. The holistic science of Ayurveda regards giloy as full of vigour as it is capable to sustain and grow on its own even when it is cut. Guduchi is famed as ‘Amritavalli’ which literally translates into ‘a creeper with heavenly nectar’.

Guduchi is an Ayurvedic medicine long known for its immune boosting properties. It is also thought to help in treating skin conditions. It also helps in longevity, enhances memory, improves health, and bestows youth. It is helpful in hyperacidity, colitis, worm infestations, loss of appetite, abdominal pain. Guduchi is known in ancient Ayurveda for a lot of body conditions like dysentery, jaundice, constipation, leprosy etc. Ayurveda sees this herb as one which bolsters immunity, helps in acidity, rejuvenates intellect and memory and herb which restores age. This ayurvedic herb is renowned for its immune-supporting, rejuvenating, detoxifying and antipyretic properties.

Additional information

Dimensions 5.6 × 5.6 × 9.9 cm
Vernacular Names

chinino indiano hartbladige maanzaad, Guduchi, Gulancha Galo Seendal Thippateega Gulanch Amrutaballi amr̥t Gulvel Giloy, Indian Quinine Mond-Kriechpflanze Plante grimpante de lune semilla de luna con hojas de corazón Moonseed a foglia di cuore, Indiase kinine Hjärtbladad månfrön, indisk kinin Xin ye qing niu dan Lunnoye semya s serdechnymi list'yami, indiyskiy khinin Guluncha judutshi Gulbel Giloy, Pure Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Heart-Leaved Moonseed

Regional Names

गुडूची, गुलंचाગલોசீந்திற்கொடிతిప్పతీగগুলঞ্চಅಮೃತಬಳ್ಳಿഅമൃത്गुळवेलਗਿਲੋਅ, 心叶青牛胆Лунное семя с сердечными листьямиگلوخشکجودوتشيگل-بلगिलोय


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