Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) Powder


Combats bacterial attack Nutrients Rich Supports Digestive Health Helps Nourish the Skin Promotes Liver and Kidney Health Rich in Anti Oxidants

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Moringa Oleifera, known as drumstick tree is native to India. Every part of this tree, be it leaves, flower, root, and long seed pod are a powerhouse of nutrients and it is highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its potent therapeutic properties. Moringa is loaded with dense nutrients including amino acids, Vitamins A, B, C and minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. It also offers a rich meld of antioxidants like kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, zeatin, quercetin, rutin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-sitosterol.

Moringa is full of many nutrients the body needs, in a high bio-available food state. It provides the body with the nutrients it needs, while helping it to detoxify and get rid of unwanted elements. A nutrition booster and a non-sugar based energizer, Moringa can also help in the weight loss process. It is also famous for its anti-bacterial properties. Moringa supports digestion and is a natural laxative.

Additional information

Dimensions 6.4 × 6.4 × 10.8 cm
Vernacular Names

Arbre radis du cheval Árbol del ben moringa moringa, drumstok moringa, Moringa Oleifera Moringa Oleifera Drumstick Meerrettichbaum Ben oléifère, Shigru Saragvo Murungai Munaga Sajanē Nuggekayee muriṅṅa Shevga Suhanjana, trumpinne Drumstick moringa Sahajna bi'ana zaytiin trb kewha (drkht) Sahjan

Regional Names

शिगरूસરગવોமுருங்கை మునగসজনেನುಗ್ಗೆಕಾಯಿമുരിങ്ങशेवगाਸੁਹਾਂਜਣਾ, 辣木Моринга масличнаяسہجنابان زيتيترب کوهی (درخت)सहजन


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