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Gymnema Sylvestre (Madhunaashini) Capsule
Diabetes Support Helps curb Sugar Cravings Weight Loss Aid Antioxidant Effects Helps to Augment Heart Health Helps Boost Liver Health
10 in stock
Gurmar or Gymnema Sylvestre is a climbing plant belonging to the Apocynaceae family, a popular herb in Ayurveda valued for its indispensable medicinal and healing properties. It is a perennial woody wine that is indigenous to tropical regions of India, Africa and Australia. The leaves are elongated, oval-shaped that have soft hairs on the surface bearing small yellow flowers that bloom all through the year. The leaves of gudmar are imbued with gymnemic acids, a potent bioactive compound that acts to suppress the taste of sugar by interacting with taste receptors on the tongue, thereby valued as a sugar destroyer and used extensively in the treatment of diabetes. This amazing herb is known as Madhunashini in Sanskrit, Gurmar or Gudmar in Hindi, all of which literally means one that destroys sugar. It is a key herb in several ayurvedic formulations such as Ayaskrti, Varunadi kasaya, Varunadighritam, Mahakalyanakaghrtam, etc. In the Indian sub-continent, this herb goes by the name Gurmar, Kavali, kalikardori, Dhuleti, mardashingi, Shirukurum Kaay, Shakkaraikkolli, Podapatri, Sannagerasehambu, Kadhasige, Kannu Minnayamkodi, Passaam, Shirukurinja, and Gurmaar Buuti
Gymnema Sylvestre, classically known as Gurmar, has been used primarily to the management of diabetes and similar conditions of altered blood sugar. It has also been used for stomach ailments, constipation, water retention, and liver disease and also in alterations of blood pressure and heart rhythms. It is believed that Gymnema Sylvestre has benefits of anti-allergic, antiviral and lipid lowering activities. Use of Gymnema Sylvestre also helps facilitate a reduction in excess body weight.
Additional information
Dimensions | 5.6 × 5.6 × 9.9 cm |
Vernacular Names | destructor de azúcar Piccola Ipecacuanha indiana Kleine Indiase Ipecacuanha, Gudmar, Gymnema Merasingi ipécacuanha Pequeño indio Ipecacuanha, Gymnema Sylvestre Gymnema sylvestre Small Indian Ipecacuanha, Madhunashni Gudmar Cirukurinca Podapatri Mēṣaśr̥ṅga Madhunāśini cakkarakkeālli Bedakicha pala Guṛamāra, Miracle Fruit, razrushitel' sakhara Gurmar Buti Jurmar guamnma Gurmar, sockerförstörare Shi gēng téng Malen'kaya indiyskaya ipekakuana, suikervernietiger Liten indisk Ipecacuanha |
Regional Names | разрушитель сахараگڑ مارجورمارگیمنماगुरमर, गुडमार, मधुनाशिनीગુડમારசிறுகுறிஞ்சாపొడపత్రిমেষশৃঙ্গಮಧುನಾಶಿನಿചക്കരക്കൊല്ലിबेडकीचा पाला ਗੁੜਮਾਰ, 匙羹藤Маленькая индийская ипекакуана |
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